Main area of experties on which FIS built its technical and manufacturing excellence:
- Organometalic Reactions (Buthyl lithium, LDA, Grignard, etc.)
- Catalytic Hydrogenation (Pd catalyzed, Raney nickel, etc.);
- Hydride Reductions (Sodium Borohydrade, Lithium Borohydride, Borane, etc.)
- Cross Coupling reactions (Palladium catalyzed)
- Racemate Resolution
- Enantioselective synthesis
- High Pressure Hydrogenation (40 bar)
- Cryogenic Chemistry (-80°C)
- Phosgenation via diphogene
- Biocatalytic Processes
- Development of continuos flow processes
- Fluorination Chemistry (HF, SF4)
- Peptide Synthesis