It has come to our attention that third parties and entities are offering false job offers in the name and on behalf of FIS, we urge you to report these incidents.
These fraud attempts involve false job opportunities made by unauthorized persons or entities asking the applicant for money, personal information or bank references on behalf of FIS.
Most recently, there have also been cases of so-called "money muling": the false job offer is accompanied by the offer of money with credit to the candidate's bank account, for the alleged purchase of work tools, and with disbursement to bank accounts and apps reported by the fraudsters.
FIS does not ask for money or bank transfers in exchange for work
FIS and its subsidiaries search and recruit their resources exclusively through specific procedures, selecting and hiring candidates according to criteria of merit, ability, and professionalism, and would never ask for sums of money or bank transfers.
If you are looking for job opportunities at FIS, please refer exclusively to in the Careers section and be wary of other types of inquiries.
FIS contacts potential candidates for job positions exclusively:
- Via email addresses ending with
- via Linkedin with an official FIS account (find out how to check if a Linkedin account is legitimate here >
Senders such as, for example, or should be considered not legitimate. These elements indicate possible fraud.
Report fraud to the appropriate authorities
In case you are asked by unauthorized persons or entities claiming to be working on behalf of FIS to disclose your personal or financial information or to pay sums of money.
Consider it fraud and contact the appropriate authorities immediately so that they may proceed with the necessary investigation.
Help us fight fraud.
We encourage you to report any fraud or suspicious activities to us.
You can also file a complaint online through this address: