UNI EN ISO 14001
In 2001 both production sites FIS Montecchio and FIS Termoli obtained the Environmental Certification UNI EN ISO 14001 relative to the system of managing the environment. The meaning of this certification is not only that, though fundamental, to certify the compliance of equipment and products to regulations in force, but especially to guarantee the existence of a management system to constantly improve the performance in this field and to prevent new needs and/or new solutions about Safety, Health and Environmental.
UNI EN ISO 45001
During 2009 the site of Montecchio obtained the Certification UNI EN ISO 45001 relative to the system of managing Safety and Health; this management system, placed side by side the system already in place for the management of firms under the “Seveso regulation”, it is an important goal that shows the strong attitude of F.I.S. Group (also the Termoli production site is in phase of certification) for the continuous improvement of safety of operations and of workers’ health